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Restore to different hardware

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I'm using Retrospect 5.6 Server on a Win2k domain controller and have created an emergengy backup CD and Tape for the entire system.


I need to restore this backup to a new server and I'm having a lot of problems. The recover CD will load the Win2k setup and then when it reboots it could not find the win install so I copied over the correct boot.ini file and now when it boots I get an error that says the "ntoskrnl.exe" file cannot be found or is corrupted. I tried copying back the correct ntoskrnl file from the Win install CD in the DRWINNT.TMP folder and still get the same problem.


Any ideas here???

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Have you tried editing boot.ini? Perhaps it points to a different partition or path than is found on the new machine.




Also, when you say that the restore is to a "new server", do you mean that all the hardware is different from the backed-up machine? If so, that isn't a supported recovery method, given the nature of the Windows architecture.

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