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Retro hangs after NT2K upgrade

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Having a problem with my Retrospect setup I hope you might help to resolve…




I am running an absolute plain vanilla Wintel file server for the past few year with great reliability. It was running NT4 server with Retrospect 5.X as the backup software and an Archive DAT SCSI drive for storage.




For various “corporate” reasons I had to upgrade this server to Win 2000. Everything worked flawlessly except for one problem with Retrospect: for some reason, whenever requesting a media action (eject, erase, etc) the software hangs for no apparent reason with a status “No answer” in the browser window. Only cure is a cold restart.




As long as the correct media is inserted everything works as expected. But Retrospect hangs invariably as soon as a DAT media action is required.




This is Win 2k SP2, Retrospect 5.6 and latest driver upgrade applied.




Any idea ?





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