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Desktop PC 5.5/error 1020 trying to backup Mac HD

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I am running Retrospect Desktop 5.5.144 on a PC (Windows 2K). I am trying to backup a Mac on my network which is running system 9.2. On my PC, I have mapped the HD on the Mac as a network drive.




I have DAVE installed on the Mac, so that I can see the files from the Mac on my PC (and I can read and write from my Mac to my PC and reverse).




However, when I tried to backup files from the Mac using the above version of Retrospect, I found that I get the error -1020 (Sharing Violation) on every Mac file.




Here's my steps:




I went to Immediate Backup, then Sources Button, which brought up the Volume Selection Window. At this window, the Mac drive, which had been mapped as an H: drive, did not appear, so I went to the Network button and navigated through Microsoft Network to My Local Workgroup which had my Mac on it. I opened the Mac and then selected the drive on the Mac to backup.




My hope is that this can be made to work.




I have one Mac, and the Retrospect Client for the Mac costs approximately $180, which is more than the Desktop program for the PC costs. It nicely backs up my desk PC and my PC laptop as well.




Please advise.







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Dantz does not currently support backing up Mac files on the PC via Dave. The only way to successfully backup Macintosh files from a local Windows machine is if they reside on a Services for Macintosh volume on the PC.




The Retrospect 6.0 release, due out later this summer, will include two client licenses with the Professional Edition (which replaces Desktop). You may wish to upgrade at that time in order to properly backup your Macintosh client, if purchasing client licenses is not an option at this time.




For more information on the Retrospect 6.0 release, please see:



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