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Backup types

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Hi, I'm new to Retrospect and it's 'better backup' stratergy.




I have put Retrospect on to two servers on a clients site but could do with someone more Reto-experienced to advise on backup configuration.




1st server.


The entire data is larger than one tape, daily changed data is less than one tape.


Monday - want an entire backup without being told to erase tapes or have to reconfigure sets.


Tues thru Friday - want an incremental backup, each day having it's own tape.




So a weeks backup will have 6 tapes and will look be labled


Monday 1+2


Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri




Is this two backup sessions to set up or just one?




2nd server


The entire data is less than one tape.


Mon thru Fri - want an entire backup without being told to erase tapes or have to reconfigure sets.




So a weeks backup will have 5 tapes labled Mon-Fri




Is this just a single session running each evening on a 'recycle' type backup.




Thanks for any help/advice.



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Server 1:




1 Script


1 Destination Backup Set


2 Schedules




Schedule 1: Recycle Backup every Monday


Schedule 2: Incremental Backup Tuesday - Friday




Retrospect Directory > Special > Preferences > Media Request: Enable Skip to Blank Media






Server 2:


1 Script


5 Destination Backup Sets


5 Schedules




Schedule 1: Recycle Backup Set Monday every Monday


Schedule 2: Recycle Backup Set Tuesday every Tuesday






Hope this helps!





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I had been back to site and configured the second server already and that looks to be working, we'll find out when he comes to reuse the tapes on Monday. - Heres hoping that the schedule doesn't ask him to provide blank media..... I had set that one as you have advised so that one should be ok.




The 1st server I had configured as you said apart from the 'Enable Skip to Blank media'




So the customer phoned me this morning and said the server was asking for a titled tape ( I am presuming it's asking for the previous days tape so it can contimue putting more data on to it)




I am going back down to site now to put that 'Skip' option in place, That option WILL skip to new media every day wont it? - It wont just skip if it doesn't think it can fit the entire days backup to the last tape....




Am I talking fluent jibberish yet or do I need more time in the server room :~)

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