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icsmgr error message

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Help! This is an odd one... Input is greatly desired and appreciated.




Recently, I have begun to experience an alert message at shutdown. It states, "icsmgr has caused an error . icsmgr will close now, if you continue to experience problems, try restarting you computer." I have been able to determine that icsmgr is the icsmgr.exe and is related to the Internet Connection Sharing Protocol. When I check the network control panel, I find that I have 5 components/instances of the ics protocol in the network configuration. They are (Dial-up Adapter (I have no modem in this machine), Internet Connection Sharing, NDIS 1394 Net Adapter (2x), Realtek RTL8139(A) PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter.




I have TCP/IP network components installed too, including TCP/IP Internet Connection Sharing. These are the ones I remember setting up.






Windows ME (4.90.3000)


AMD K7 (800MHz)




DSL (Cisco 678)




I have a second system that was on line before with the same basic network configuration. That system does not have any of the ICS components installed nor does it have Retrospect installed on it. I do not remember installing them on my primary system.




I have recently installed the Retrospect 5.6 on my main system. Does the Retrospect package use these components on my system? I do not remember this problem occurring prior to these installations.




*Most Importantly* will I cause my system to experience problems or not function properly if I remove them from my system?




Thanks for any info you can provide about this concern.




-- howard cross

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