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-519 Error


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We Have Retrospect Backup Server V5.6 backing up 4 webserver clients, all windows 2000, in a workgroup. When backup gets to last server, with 4 volumes, it connects to all volumes ok, then backs up the C:\ drive reporting the error below:




PitonPacket::netimport, unknown Piton packet type 0


necoDispatch: unknown packet code from responder: 0


necoIncoming: unowned packet, tid 4


PitonPacket::netimport, unknown Piton packet type 0


necoDispatch: unknown packet code from responder: 0


necoIncoming: unowned packet, tid 4


PitonPacket::netimport, unknown Piton packet type 0


necoDispatch: unknown packet code from responder: 0


necoIncoming: unowned packet, tid 4


PitonPacket::netimport, unknown Piton packet type 0


necoDispatch: unknown packet code from responder: 0


necoIncoming: unowned packet, tid 4


PitonPacket::netimport, unknown Piton packet type 0




then it errors saying cannot access other volumes - 519 network error. I have tried to manually backup the client through retrospect, selecting all volumes, this throws up the same error. But I can backup each drive manually with retrospect.




I have tried all other fixes posted on this web site...............




we do have a space issue on this webserver, each volume is pretty full, is this likely to be the cause........I may have answered my own question there.........




Also I cannot remove the retrospect client from this system (thought I'd try a re-install) logged in as anyone, even administrator............





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