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How do I get a script back?

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I upgraded my server and I have all the catalogs for my Monday through Friday tapes, but forgot that I kept my scripts on the start up drives that we upgraded and lost them. I would like to continue with the tape sets that I have started and not make brand new sets. Can I get Retrospect to work from those catalogs?

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Just double-click on the catalog file, which will add it to the Backup Sets window.


After that, you can make new scripts with the Destinations you're used to.


This would be a good time to repeat that Retrospect files, such as Catalogs and Preferences (which is where scripts are stored), are valuable data files. Having safe and secure backup copies of them is always a good idea.

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Thank you very much! That worked perfect. I had the catalogs from all the tapes and I don't know what I was thinking. But I now have all my scheduled days back in the rotation. I can sleep better at night.


I do have a 500GB Firewire drive that I would like incremental back ups to also but I can't get it to work. I have gone into the preferences and clicked on the media handling and checked Use hard Drives as Removable Disk. Can I run two scripts a night? This way I have a tape that goes off site each day but also I have a Firewire drive that would get us instant back up if we need it in a pinch.

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Can I run two scripts a night?


sure. I run 4 scheduled scripts each night:


(1) walk the network, back up all clients

(2) back up our accounting system - full duplicate, not incremental (because of how the accounting works)

(3) shut down mail server, back it up, bring mail server back up (trigger script) (ensures quiet database)

(4) back up server (now that clients are quiet and shut down)


The only odd thing is Retrospect's scheduler. Even if you set them to start in correct sequence, if a script runs long, Retrospect will pick from all of the then-runnable scripts (past their schedule) in alphabetical order. So, name them alphabetically in the order you want them to start, schedule the first one at some given time, schedule all the others a few minutes later, the alphabetical names will do them in the correct order.


Haven't seen this quirk documented in the manual, but it's been that way since at least Retrospect 2.x.



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