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Backing up everything except certain large files

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I use Retrospect for Mac v 6.1.126, OS 10.4.7. I had an iBook with 30 G memory. I had very large movie files that I couldn’t store on the iBook, so just had them on my larger external drive. I just got a MacBook Pro with 90 G memory. Now that I have the increased memory, I would like to copy my movie files onto my computer so they will be in two places, so they will be safer. The movie files do not change, so there is no need for retrospect to back them up as part of the backup process. (Since they are large, it seems that would add to the time Retrospect takes when scanning through the entire disk.) Is there a way to set Retrospect so it backs up my entire hard drive with the exception of certain marked large video files? Thank you for your reply.



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I've never been able to figure if this would work...


Say I want to have a "size threshold" of only backing up at most 20G per client. Not the "first" 20G, but a maximum of 20G.


Is there some way to set a selector such that if the amount of data was *over* 20G, that nothing would be backed up? (sort of using a selector in the same way the "speed threshold" setting works...


Seems to me there ought to be a way to do this somehow...

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I've never been able to figure if this would work...


Say I want to have a "size threshold" of only backing up at most 20G per client. Not the "first" 20G, but a maximum of 20G.


Is there some way to set a selector such that if the amount of data was *over* 20G, that nothing would be backed up? (sort of using a selector in the same way the "speed threshold" setting works...


Seems to me there ought to be a way to do this somehow...



Not with the current configurability of selectors. I've seen your other posts on this, and I understand why you want this, but it's not possible now because selectors operate at the file level, not at the total backup level. Such a feature would seem to have to be a new preference, perhaps by client or script, etc.



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