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We just upgraded one of our backup machine so my company now has 2 machines for backup, one OS 9.2.2 usng retrospect 5.0 and the other one is OS 10.4.6 using retrospect 6.1 and they back up the same thing and they backup each other too.


but everytime when the retrospect 5.0 finish backing up the retrospect 6.1 machine and send a message for telling user the backup of the machine is completed, that pop up message freeze the retrospect 6.1 machine and stop the backup that running in 6.1. but the message from 6.1 wont freeze the 5.0. we didnt have any problem while both machines were in OS9.2.2 and retrospect 5.0


is there any way to disable the pop up message from 5.0 to 6.1 so that the 6.1 can keep backing up with the interupt by the pop up message?, or i can do some setting to get the pop up but not intercupt the back up on 6.1?

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that pop up message freeze the retrospect 6.1 machine



- What does this mean, exactly? It's pretty difficult to completey "freeze" an OS X box.


The confirmation dialog presented by the Retrospect OS X Client software shouldn't interfere with any other programs, but you can configure the notifications from the Preference button in the client application. Just uncheck the box.

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sorry about the post that is not detail enough


while the 6.0 is backup other machines and the 5.1 send the message about the backup of 6.1 machine is complete. the backup of 6.0 stop, even if i close the message from 5.1, it still not continue, it just doing like it is backing up, but the bar never moves until i click stop. but after i click stop, the box change to cancelling execution and the mouse pointer become the circle rainbow thingy. i need to power off the machine by holding the power button.


that also makes the catalog file broken that i can't recatalog it. so i need a new type and a new backup set to backup.


and i still unable to find the place that i can disable the message, can you tell me where is it at?

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It's hard for me to understand from your description what is going on. Retrospect does not "send a message" to the client for display. The client on each machine displays its own message, if you have the client notification preferences set that way. If what you are trying to do is to disable the popup message that the client on your Retrospect 6 server is putting up (never heard of configuring a Retrospect server with the client and backing up simultaneously from another Retrospect server), Dave has given you the precise instructions:


you can configure the notifications from the Preference button in the client application. Just uncheck the box.



Have you tried that? In other words, open the Applications folder on the machine that has the popup that you want to eliminate, double-click on the "Retrospect Client.app" application in that folder, click the "Preferences" button, uncheck the appropriate Notification checkbox.


But you have a very unusual setup, trying to back up a Retrospect server as a client while the Retrospect server is simultaneously backing up another Retrospect server as a client.

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Retrospect does not "send a message" to the client for display



While it's unrelated to solving the original problem, I'm not exactly certain that the above is correct.


The Retrospect application actually does send a lot of information over to its clients, and it's possible that the success notification information one of those things. Or not.



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Retrospect does not "send a message" to the client for display



While it's unrelated to solving the original problem, I'm not exactly certain that the above is correct.


The Retrospect application actually does send a lot of information over to its clients, and it's possible that the success notification information one of those things. Or not.





I stand corrected. If you open

/Applications/Retrospect Client.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings

with a Unicode-aware editor, it appears that the "Not backed up" notification is generated by the client alone, but the error notifications, while generated by the client, use inserted string snippets that are passed from the server.


Sorry for the confusion.



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thank you very much

now my problem is fixed, i was trying to find the notification in the retrospect instead of the client cause my machines have both retrospect and the retrospect client installed.

so i think the problem is there are some conflicts between the retrospect and the retrospect client in the same machine and there is same setting machine trying to backup each other.

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The Retrospect application actually does send a lot of information over to its clients, and it's possible that the success notification information one of those things. Or not.



so i think the problem is there are some conflicts between the retrospect and the retrospect client in the same machine and there is same setting machine trying to backup each other.


Come to think about it, you might be right on with your diagnosis. Perhaps one is hanging on not being able to open some resource used by both (port 497 ?).



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