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Maxtor One Touch III

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still unable to complete a backup with the Maxtor One Touch III external HD. It is not listed in the list of supported drives but the One Touch II is listed. When I try to backup, Retrospect works for about 1 to 2 hours and then it crashes the G4 tower (Panther) that it is running on. When I come to work in the morning, the G4 has a blank screen and cannot be roused. I have to do a forced restart and when I open the Retrospect log I see that it just stopped working in the middle of the backup.

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Is it possible that because your two messages did not receive replies from any users here, you wrote to MacInTouch to complain that the entire Forum is basically inactive?


The best way to get fellow users interested in addressing your problem is to include as much relevant information as possible in your initial post(s). Helpful information might include the Type of Backup Set that you're using on the external drive and the amount of data you're trying to push to it.


- "G4 tower" is a very broad description of your hardware. Only after seeing your MacInTouch post do we know that you're using a Quicksilver/867


- Your Maxtor OneTouch III USB is a USB 2 device, but your G4/867 only has USB1 on the logic board. Is your OneTouch connected to a USB2 controller card? If so, what make/model?


- If Mac OS X crashes due to some hardware problem, the Retrospect Operations Log is not going to show any entries related to it. But Panther has other logs that might have some clues; check the system log and the console log for entries in the same time window.


- The suggestion offered by a MacInTouch reader that the drive is getting too hot is a reasonable one; have you tried to provide some cooling to the hardware?



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