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backing up ACT! databases

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I'm running Retrospect Workgroup 6 on a Mac in my office, and it's backing up several Mac and Windows workstations. Everything is working pretty well, except Retrospect won't back up the ACT! database files that one of my Windows users relies on. The log shows an error -49 "file busy" error on his .adf and .alf data files. This occurs even if he quits ACT! before the backup runs; we even tried logging him out of Windows before backing up but had the same problem.


Does anyone have a specific strategy for backing up ACT! files since they seem to behave in a particularly stubborn way?




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Since Windows is, for some reason, refusing to release the files, you'll need a Windows solution.


Perhaps you can script ACT! to create a dump of its data into another file that you can backup safely.


Happily, I have no idea how to make Windows behave as a good modern computer should.



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