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I have a Powerbook with about 50 gigs of data to backup, I would like to do an archive and a duplicate. Retrospect is running on my G5 desktop and connected to the PB via ethernet. Are there any issues to connecting the PB to the desktop in "target disk mode" and making the backups that way? I assume that the transfer speed will be much faster then ethernet. I would like to know if there are any problems connecting and backing up in this manner.



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I would like to do an archive and a duplicate.


Are there any issues to connecting the PB to the desktop in "target disk mode" and making the backups that way?





Although "Archive" and "Duplicate" are specific functions in Retrospect, and neither of them is a Backup.


Still, just be sure that the Finder's "Ignore ownership on this volume" box is _not_ checked for the Powerbook hard drive.



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