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I have 9 tapes in my library. I let Retrospect run through the tapes in the Library and pick what tape it wants/needs and how it names them.


Lately though, when doing a Recycle Backup, it'll start with an erased tape rather than looking for and starting with tape 1. Then the whole thing get's jacked up and I have to restart the backup AFTER I manually erase all the tapes.


I've looked through my setup, trashed pref's, rebuilt my backup script but still the problem persists.


I used to manually name all my tapes and always ensure tape1 was loaded into the drive. However, now that I let Retrospect do what it wants, I can't seem to shake this issue.


Anyone have any words of advice?


Jason L.

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Retrospect really doesn't support autoloaders well, even if the tapes are pre-named and barcoded. EMC/Dantz considers it "expected behavior" that Retrospect picks whatever erased tape it wants from the autoloader, with no particular rhyme or reason, because that's what is documented in the manual. I submitted a "feature request" almost a year ago for a future version for Retrospect to respect (prefer) the names of barcoded prenamed erased tapes in autoloaders. You might want to suggest the same. If enough people make the request, it might someday happen.



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