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Mac Retrospect to backup a Windoze client

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I can't get a PC client seen by my Mac running current version of retrospect. I installed and turned on the PC client and ran regcopy.exe, but I don't see the client on the Mac. This is a ethernet LAN at an academic center. I suppose I'll need to ask my IT guy but any suggestions appreciated. The Macs on the same network show up automatically in retrospect.



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Another possible issue: what Windows client version are you using? If it's earlier than 6.5.x and if the client computer has multiple Ethernet adapters (such as wired/wireless or two wired cards), the Retrospect client software may be binding to the wrong adapter. The easiest solution is to update the client to v7.0.112, which is the version currently recommended for backing up Windows clients to a Mac.

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Dear Albert:

Most likely its the firewall software on the windows system. Here is what you do (from memory, I'm on a mac): startmenu:controll panel:firewall:exceptions, then create two exceptions. Both port 497, one TCP and one UDP. The retrospect documentation claims you don't need to do this, but I've found its often needed.


Hope it helps.


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thanks for the info but the entire institution is behind a firewall and the firewall on the PC is off. I tried to connect by IP addresss and rec'd the error message that it couldn't connect - error 541. When I click on retroclient on the PC, it says that the program is on. Unfortunately, our IT guys say they don't support retrospect.

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Unfortunately, our IT guys say they don't support retrospect.


And they don't have to; but I bet that they are blocking some ports between the two (whether by an interposed router or some such, with the PC and Mac on different subnets), or that they aren't passing broadcast packets between the two. What happens if, on the PC, you try a port scan of the Retrospect server?


There's little that we can do to try to help because you still haven't provided any details of your network topology.



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OK, so by now you probably realize that I hate PC's. How do I do a port scan on a PC as you suggest?


Regarding the Mac, should I turn on "Windows Sharing" in the Sharing Control Panel? It would seem that it shouldn't be needed.

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My IT guy gave me the following info:


The PC computer and the MAC are on the same subnet or vlan. We're are not blocking any ports internally. If you look at the IP address of the MAC and the PC you will see that the both have an IP address on xxx.xxx.xxx.yyy where the first 9 numbers (x's) are identical.

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How do I do a port scan on a PC as you suggest?


nmap. Link to software is here:

Nmap software

I think the Retrospect port of interest is 497, both TCP and UDP. See:

KB Article 6506


Regarding the Mac, should I turn on "Windows Sharing" in the Sharing Control Panel? It would seem that it shouldn't be needed.


Not needed, won't have any effect on this issue.



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