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BootCamp Backup Schemes?

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I've got a MacBook Pro which has BootCamp installed. The MBP is a Retrospect Client to a PowerMac G5.


The MBP has a 100GB drive partitioned into an HFS+ partition for MacOS and a FAT32 partition for BootCamp.


I run the backups while booted into OS X on the MBP.


The last few Normal backups have backed up the whole FAT32 partition, as if Retrospect doesnt' realize that that partition has been backed up before. Do I need to reconfigure something so that information related to changed files is seen properly by Retrospect?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any ideas why it seems the whole of my Windows FAT32 partitions is getting backed up when running Retrospect client from Mac OS X?


Does Windows use an archive bit, or something, that is honored when doing the backup from a machine running Windows and the Windows retrospect client, but Retrospect Mac doesn't know how to treat the partition, and backs up the whole thing?


How are other BootCamp users backing up with Retrospect?





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  • 7 months later...

I posted my scheme here earlier today but can't find it right now... its basically using OSX to create three partitions on the external harddrive while using the partition scheme of GUID... and where the first two volumes are MacExtendedJournaled... and the last is DOS... and is larger than 32GB... and then rebooting to Xp gives me access to Xp's disc utility which I use to convert the DOS aka FAT32 to NTFS... (Xp thinks the scheme is MBR... ).. I ran a start of doing this.... and it was working.. so I abort each attempt.. cause I was running out of time.. (the previous attempts were aborted for the variety of mistakes I was making... ) ..


So I did the last few days back up my Mac in the first 2 partitions, the first using SuperDuper... for a simple clone.. and the second using Retrospect-I-wish-it-were-binary-universal... ... and... dummy me... before doing the last parition for Xp... I downloaded a trial basis of MacDriver7 (allows you to read and write to Mac from Windows.. the Mac volumes mount on Xp... ) this morning... and since RetroExpress for Mac lets you set the source and the destination.. it didn't occur to me that Retro HD 2.0 (I have also the HD 1.1.. , 2.0 has compression... )... would skip over letting me choose the source... and being tired for staying up all night.. .I just assumed it would only be copying the C drive.. but no... after backing up Win HD (internal drive).. to Win ED (external drive)... it went on to back up Mac HD to Win ED... (the cpu was 50 to 60%.. even 75% once... with some eratic curves in the graphs of the two cores... saw this using task manager.. )... then it was about to go on to Mac CN (the clone volume on my external drive)... and back it up to Win ED also ... I finaly said.. 'that's enough'... (I'm suprised it didn't back me too when I turned it off.. maybe it did... )


And the end result was error messages that wanted to be sent to EMC... and I could not open up Retrospect even after closing it and rebooting... so I uninstalled retrospect... used uniblue registry booster to clean up things... disabled (without uninstalling) MacDrive7... and now I'm going to reformat my NTFS volume for NTFS again... and use either HD 1.1 or HD 2.0 to do my back up... of Xp.. (clearly I need a more robust version of Retrospect for Windows.. even working, esp working, with Bootcamp. .


So that leads me to wonder... with MacFuse coming out.. and VWMware Fusion... what are the possiblities going to be for backing up a multiboot with virtual machines....


I'm new to all this.. and I've never had to deal with a software as hard to deal with... I really think that every registered new user should receive an email from EMC outlining the main concerns for the most recent hardware...et.et with a link to the forum.. The various hard drive manufactures don't always get it right with their documentation right... skip an essential step.. and you have something that won't work.... and a customer who will need to spend hours just to prepare for getting the task done....

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Thats what the above title was supposed to read...


Oh.. and I'm told Virtual Machines need to first be turned off and then you can make a clone of it... but.. that doesn't answer anthing about... virtual incremental backups.. and I'm curious... if you can defrag your external drive when retrospect backup sets reside on it...

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