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Wildly different backup times

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Using Retrospect 6.0


We backup the entire network every evening to a hard drive. Then during the day, we back the hard drive up to a HP Ultrium 960 tape drive. What is odd is that the performance will vary from 370 MB/min to as high as 1000 MB/min, with some days being fast, and some being slow.


The tape backup is backing up a total of 18 files, which are the total backups for the preceding four weeks. The total data in the daily backups does not exceed 440 GB.


The specific backups to the hard drive are as follows: a Recycle, followed by a daily Normal. Repeat every four weeks, with other weekly scripts doing the same thing.


The tapes are relatively new, with no more than 3 passes on any one of them.


The Retrospect computer is running OS X 10.3.4. It is devoted to Retrospect, with nothing else running, except OSXvnc.


What would be causing this? And what would be the fix for it?

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