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Unable to "repair file backup set"

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My catalog file is apparently corrupted (chunk checksum error) so I am attempting to fix it, as I have done before, though maybe that was on 6.0 and now I'm on 6.1.126. I select Tools->Repair->Repair file backup set, and am presented with a Finder-like window saying at top "Open: Retrospect" and "Opening a backup set catalog file...". However, my problematic catalog file ("Weekly Archive.cat") is grayed out and can't be selected. If I try choosing the archive itself ("Weekly Archive") which *is* selectable, then I get "Sorry, Weekly Archive is not a catalog file or is heavily damaged".


I am able to see the .cat file in the Finder, and have read/write permission.


Running Mac OS 10.3.9 and Retrospect 6.1.126, backing up to IOGear Ion hard drive partitioned into two volumes both used for backups (as I have for the past year). The backup set on the other volume appears to be fine.


Any suggestions?

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