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Retrospect / xserve oddness

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Hi there

im new here to the forum

we have problems with our backup

2Ghz G5 xserve 10.4.4 with Xserve Raid which has 4x 250 drives

using scsi card ATTO UL3D connected to a Sony SDX-700C with LIB-81 tape library


we have 2 backups running

our daily backup goes every evening, backs up about 30-40gb of daily work. recycle backup

our weekly backup goes every saturday morning. backs up about 450Gb onto 4-5 tapes

previously was recycle backup, changed to normal incremental.

every 2 weeks we change the tapes to a new set


daily backup runs fine, no problems

but every second saturday the weekly backup crashes, xserve reports a kernel panic, no crash log from retrospect.

this is normally the weekend after we change the tapes, the following week it runs fine.

this is puzzling us somewhat

i suspect something to do with the scsi card, but it is so consistent, always second saturday.

when the weekly tapes were on recycle backup, i tried deleting the tapes before, made no difference


any ideas




Sun May 7 05:06:54 2006

panic(cpu 0 caller 0x002D57C4): IOGMD: not wired for getPhysicalSegment()

Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:


0x00095718 0x00095C30 0x0002683C 0x002D57C4 0x002D59E0 0x002D563C 0x00745D38 0x007460DC

0x0043C6F8 0x00448FCC 0x0044D3F4 0x0043F1FC 0x00458F4C 0x0043ED2C 0x0043F31C 0x0074348C

0x002EAB0C 0x0008CB88 0x000291C0 0x000233AC 0x000AC02C 0x59602A58

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):


dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily(1.4.4)@0x437000

dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily(1.5)@0x4fd000


dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily(1.4.4)@0x437000


Proceeding back via exception chain:

Exception state (sv=0x232C1C80)

PC=0x9000B208; MSR=0x0200F030; DAR=0x00323000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x9000B15C; R1=0xBFFF9B70; XCP=0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 8.4.0: Tue Jan 3 18:22:10 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.6.56.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC




+ Normal backup using WEEKLY BACUP at 6/5/2006 08:30

To backup set Weekly C…


- 6/5/2006 08:30:21: Copying PSP BACUP on RAID…

6/5/2006 19:33:14: Comparing PSP BACUP on RAID…


? Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 7/5/2006 05:06

Quit at 8/5/2006 15:55


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we previously had the same problem with recycle backup. The backup went ok this weekend. we were thinking due to the amount of data we backup, would be better to change to normal incremental as each week it takes about 24hrs for the weekly backup to go through.

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small update.

last weekend the crash happened during the comparing stage


+ Normal backup using WEEKLY BACUP at 6/5/2006 08:30

To backup set Weekly C…


- 6/5/2006 08:30:21: Copying PSP BACUP on RAID…

6/5/2006 19:33:14: Comparing PSP BACUP on RAID…


? Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 7/5/2006 05:06

Quit at 8/5/2006 15:55



this week because it is incremental, the backup only took 40mins for an 11Gb update


has anyone else had problems with crashes during the compare stage?

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has anyone else had problems with crashes during the compare stage?


No, not in almost a year of use through the various updates of Retrospect 6.0 through 6.1.126, various RDU (none through current RDU, Mac OS X Server 10.4.2 through 10.4.6, Xserve G5 single 2.0 GHz 2GB RAM, ATTO UL4D driver 3.50 firmware v1.50, Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 1u. In fact, we've never seen a kernel panic. But then again, we aren't doing the amount of data that you are - our full backup is only about 70 GB, and daily incrementals are about 4 GB, but our Xserve is cranking away doing mail, DNS, and AFP at the same time. We did have some correctable ECC errors at first only when Retrospect was being run, but replacement of that memory module fixed that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We were having problems with two XServe G4s, OS X 10.4.4 Server, Atto UL3D cards, SDLT 600 drives, and Retrospect 6.126. Turns out it SCSI card placement is the key. Everything worked great once we moved the UL3D card to the same riser as the video card. The riser that came with an ethernet card has some issue with anything other than an ethernet card

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