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I am trying to retrieve files from a 2005 backup set, but the files have a poof icon next to them. How do I repair this? I know they are missing files from the catalog set, but how can I fix this?


I am running Retrospect 6.0.193 on a Mac.





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Go to Configure> Backup Sets> [Name of backup set] Configure> Members. Every known member of the backup set will have a check mark at the left; any member that for any reason somebody marked "Missing" (e.g., because it was lost or became unreadable) will have a poof symbol.


If you now have the "missing" member and it is readable, you can highlight it and click "Found." However, if the member is indeed missing or unreadable, any files that were backed up to that member are of course unrecoverable.


All may not be lost, however. If you followed recommended practice and made backups to multiple backup sets, you should be able to retrieve the same or similar version of the missing file(s) from your other backup set.


Alternatively, if you were attempting to restore from a snapshot, it may be that only the snapshot's version of the file was on the missing member. Try a restore by searching for files/folders. Though you won't be able to recover the specific version of the file that was on the missing member, you may have access to an earlier version that might be better than nothing.


Good luck.

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