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Can't boot from CD

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I am using Retrospect 6.1 desktop on an iMAC G5. I cannot boot from the CD. Starting up whikle holding the "C" key, I get the spinning spokes for ten minutes and then the system dies. I don't really need to boot retrospect from ther CD since I have "duplicated" my system to a firewire external hard drive and can boot rertrospect from there when I need to. However, I tried it out just in case I really needed to recover from a complete disaster.


What am I doing wrong?





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You don't list which iMac G5 you own (there have bee, I think, three). But it's likely that the version of OS X on the CD is older then the version necessary to boot your machine.


Put the CD in the drive and open the Startup Disk preference pane; you'll be able to see what version of OS X is on the disk. Compare that to the version that your iMac shipped with to know for certain.


EMCInsignia has not had a very good track record of releasing newer versions of boot CD images.



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Thanks. My iMAC G5 is the secojnd version. It came with Tiger v 10.4. I have since upgraded to 10.4.6. I tried your suggestion, and the Startup Preferencepane said that the Retrospect CD was v 10.4. I let it boot from there, and after about 8 minutes, the turning spoke curser vanished with no boot, so I restarted it with the on/off switch, while holding down the "eject" keyboard key, and got a reboot from the Macintosh hard drive. I guess I have to hope that I never have a complete disaster!

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My iMAC G5 is the secojnd version. It came with Tiger v 10.4.



No it didn't.


According to this Apple support document, the iMac G5 (iSight) (Oct 2005) shipped with 10.4.2, build number 8E102 or 8E104.


Your Mac can't boot from anything earlier; this would include the 10.4.0 system on the Retrospect disaster recovery CD.


Hopefully EMCInsignia will update their disk image; any new version should support your model.



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Sorry, my iMAC G5 is the second version (I bought it in August, 2005), it doesn't have the iSight--it has the ambient light sensor. The Startup icon in the System Preferences pane says that the boot DVDs that came with the machine boot from v 10.4. Since it bootd from this DVD, (have reinstalled twice to correct "pilot error"--before ai bought Retrospect--so I know it will boot from 10.4, so that is not the reason it doesn't boot from the Rertrospect CD,


Maybe I'm too impatient (possible!) and it doesn't really die. The screen is still lit; I have to manually restart the system to eject the CD. One of these days I'll try again and wait longer while, apparently, nothing ids going on.


My "PC" formative years were formed under CP/M, DOS, and OS/2. I'm a late comer to the Mac, and don't really understand its philosopy, and never really cared much for Unix, but I am trying to learn.

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Sorry folks, a case of pilot error. I can boot from the Retrospect CD--just have to wait while the process continues after the screen goees blank. I would mark this case "solved" if I knew how--although it turns out that there was no problem to solve. frown.gif

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