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Boot Camp Question: Can the Mac Duplicate Windows Drive?

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Set up: Intel Mac with two drives: One HFS+ with OS X; the other drive NTFS with Windows XP.


I'd really appreciate knowing if the latest Retrospect for the Mac can duplicate an internal NTFS formatted drive with Windows XP on it to an external FireWire or USB2 hard drive.


Obviously, I'd be booted from the OS X drive running the Mac version of Retrospect and Windows would not be running.


The bottom line question is: If I want to duplicate the Windows drive on an Intel Mac, then do I have to buy the Retrospect for Windows and duplicate it while booted in XP, or can I just use the Mac version of Retrospect to duplicate the Mac drive to an HFS+ firewire drive, and then use it to duplicate the Windows drive to an NTFS formatted firewire drive? Will it work, or do I have to buy a Windows version of Retrospect too?


Thanks in advance!



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