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I bought a small tape library for my Backup, installed it and retrospect is recognising it.


But now I would like to assign tapes to diverent Backup sets.

e.g. tape in slot 1 should backup the server and tape in slot 2 should

backup the client.


I searched the Web/Forum and the manual but I couldn't find how to do this.

It looks like Retrospect is only able to write to any tape but not on a specific tape.


When I create a Backup set as tape backup and select configure afterwards I see a tab called members but

I can't add anything.

Is it possible at all to tell retrospect to backup on a specific tape?


I'm running Retrospect Backup Server 6.1.126 with driver update on a xserver with tiger.



Any help is appreciated!



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As soon as Retrospect writes any data to a tape, that tape will be identified as the first member of the backup set you selected. When that member eventually becomes full, Retrospect will write data to any available blank tape, which will become the second member of the backup set, etc.


What you want to do is write a small amount of data to each backup set. You can do this by configuring a small folder as a subvolume and backing it up in an Immediate Backup. Once a tape has data on it, label it with the same name Retrospect uses for the member (i.e., 1-[name of your backup set]). Retrospect will then only use it as a destination for that particular backup set.

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