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Hi. For over a year, I have been using Retrospect 6.0 to backup my iMac to a 150GB LaCie external hard drive. The LaCie has 3 volumes on it; a small start-up volume, and 2 back-up volumes at 70GB each. I have been doing normal backups to each volume for a year. Last week, I did a recycle backup to Volume A. This week I tried to do a recycle backup to Volume B, and I got an "backup incomplete" message -- not enough space on the volume. That made no sense since I was trying to back up about 55GB of files (before compression) to a 70GB volume. So I used Disk Utility to erase the Volume B. Same result. Then I "forgot" the back-up set for Volume B, recreated it, tried to back-up, same result. What is going wrong? Thanks.

Don Oswalt

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I have since discovered the problem, and corrected it. Prior to doing the recent full hard drive recycle backup for the first time in a year, I managed to save both of the Volume A and Volume B backup sets to my internal hard drive instead of to the external backup volumes (an external hard drive). So, I was doubling the amount of data being backed up with each subsequent backup, which quickly overcame my hard drive. Now, the backup sets are saved to the backup volumes and all is well.


Don Oswalt

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