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I'm running a G5 iMac (no iSight) with OS 10.4.5, using Retrospect 6.1.126. I backup to two OWC drives, one a 250GB Mercury Elite Pro and the other an 80GB portable. Each drive is partitioned into two volumes, one for a duplicate and the other for an archive. Twice in the last two weeks I tried to update an archive, but the Retrospect file and catalog had disappeared. I had done a full archive about a week ago and updated it daily. Last night the file was gone. What could be going on?

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"Archive" is a specific feature in Retrospect. Is that what you are actually doing?


It's more likely that you are performing Normal backups to a File Backup Set; please confirm.


If files are disappearing from a physical volume, it could be caused by faulty hardware. Or, it's possible that some sort of failure in the critical chain between the keyboard and the CPU (also known as "user error") occured.



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A week ago I performed an actual Archive. For the last several days since then, it's been a normal incremental backup of the Archive to a file backup set.

As for the user error, that's really the heart of my question. I know I did not on purpose delete the Retrospect file and catalog from the external drive, but it is no longer there. The first time this happened, I assumed I had done something dumb. This time I'm confused. I might have caused the problem, but what would I have done? I don't want to do it any more!

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Each drive is partitioned into two volumes, one for a duplicate and the other for an archive.


If you mean you are performing a Retrospect Duplicate operation, be sure that the destination volume and the type of Duplicate operation are what you intend.


If your Duplicate script is configured to "Replace Entire Disk," any files on the destination that are not on the source volume will be erased. If you want to copy files from a source volume but leave intact any unrelated files on the destination (such as a file backup set), what you want is "Replace Corresponding Files."


Also, go to the script and confirm that the source and destination volumes are correct. Retrospect tracks volumes physically; not by name. If you change the name of a source or destination volume in Finder, Retrospect will also change the volume name in its database to match; it won't go looking to find some other volume with the former name.

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