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10.4.6 Retrospect 6.1, PMac G5 Quad - device driver support seems broken

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thought I would try out Retrospect 6.1 with the latest 6.1.5 driver update to see how well it performs on a PowerMac G5 Quad, running OSX 10.4.6, doing backup to DVD media.


The first thing I noticed is that it asks for "Configuring CD/DVD". I analyzed the driver file and LG 4165B (original Apple G5) is in there - why did it not recognize the drive? Anyway it would constantly hang, first asking for new media, than performing a write test.... nothing, the CD-ROM remains quiet, and no progress after several hours. Opening Monitor shows that Retrospect is taking 103 % CPU time, displaying in red that the program is not responding. Aborting the application causes a bus error, requiring to press the power-on button. I tried various media, including CD, DVD and RW, and also replaced the DVD-ROM with a Lite-on 1635S, same story. It creates the .rdi file, but seems to fail with any CD/DVD device. The media, after a restart, comes out untouched.


Is the configure procedure supposed to work on a dual or quad-core processor, which uses PCIe bus? It does otherwise not seem to recognize the CD-DVD drive.


Best regards,


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I tried it with an older version 5.1 today. It's basically the same story, albeit a bit different: It sees the DVD ROM in the device list, versions 6.1 did not , and Configure spins the drive. Retrospect still freezes, Monitor shows not responding, drive keeps spinning though. Still not a solution.

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I seem to be having the same, or at least a similar, problem. Recently changed from a Dual G4 to a Dual G5 (processor not core). I used the migration assistant and all seemed well. Thankfully I can retrieve/restore files without any problems using the internal super drive or the external firewire DVD (AOpen) which I configured on the old system. The problem appeared when I tried to back up. I get error 203/hardware failure when I use the internal drive, then a catalog out of sync message (tried 2 different sets/catalogs). When I tried the external drive I had the same problem as Markus...Spinning beachball-o-death then kernel panic when I have to force quit. No immediate help but maybe the extra info will help someone figure it out...



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I was going to do some sort of a program execution trace, maybe to see which function Retrospect is calling before it freezes. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with this, so I started to look around. I'm obviously getting borred ;-)


From what I can gather, Retrospect does not make this easy. It seems to me that it's a Carbon (OSX/Classic) application, which however won't run under OS 9, requiring 10.1.5 at least. Anyway it's using LaunchCFMApp, which is used for Carbon Applications. But it's also doing a relaunch of itself, at which point Shark or other Utilties loose trace of it. Those tools cannot attach to Retrospect anyway because it's a Carbon app. I tried to locate PEFviewer, but this seems no longer part of Xcode for Tiger. Maybe someone else with more experience has an idea?


Below is what I got so far:


Europa:~ BB$ ps -ax | grep Retrospect

207 ?? S 0:00.40 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app/Contents/Resources/pitond

562 ?? S 0:01.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp /Applications+/Tools/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect

596 p1 R+ 0:00.01 grep Retrospect



Europa:~ BB$ sample 562 100

sample cannot examine process 562 for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist.


Europa:~ BB$ gdb /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp


(gdb) r /Applications+/Tools/Retrospect\ 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/Retrospect

Starting program: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp /Applications+/Tools/Retrospect\ 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/Retrospect

Reading symbols for shared libraries . done

Reading symbols for shared libraries . done

Reading symbols for shared libraries . done


Reading symbols for shared libraries . done


Program exited normally.



So I examined if there is anything in the console logs:


May 8 01:44:11 Europa com.apple.SecurityServer: Succeeded authorizing right system.burn by process /Applications+/Tools/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect for authorization created by /Applications+/Tools/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect.

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