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43 Errors, no error report, and then no schedule script runs

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Info: Retrospect 6.1.126, OS X 10.4.5, backup media is external FW hard drive, one network client.


When reviewing my backup procedure this AM, I found in looking at the log that Retrospect had not run since 4-19 when it quit due to these errors.


Two general questions:


1. When it fails to run unattended scripts shouldn't it present an error dialog?


2. Is there a way that I can determine cause of error? The errors were mainly Error-43 (for both the network client and the local Mac) and one Error-1028. Up to that point, there had been no problems. I did not install any Software Updates etc.


3. After those errors it did not run again (did not attempt to launch according to the Retrospect log) until today when I happened to be reviewing my Retrospect procedures, found that it hadn't run and performed a test Restrore and test Script backup. Both of those ran normally.


Appreciate any advice.


Thank you.






Here is the log of the errors if that is helpful:


? Retrospect version 6.1.126

automatically launched at 4/19/2006 1:00 AM


+ Normal backup using Gretta Full Daily Backup at 4/19/2006 1:00 AM

Can't access catalog for backup set Gretta Full WTT2, error -43 (file/folder not found).

4/19/2006 1:00:36 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ Normal backup using Gretta Full Daily Backup at 4/19/2006 1:15 AM

Can't access catalog for backup set Gretta Full WTT1, error -43 (file/folder not found).

4/19/2006 1:15:23 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ Duplicate using Gretta Duplicate to WTT2 Gretta at 4/19/2006 2:00 AM

Can't access volume Macintosh HD on Gretta, error -1028 (client is not visible on network).

4/19/2006 2:00:22 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ Normal backup using PB Full Daily Backup at 4/19/2006 3:00 AM

Can't access catalog for backup set PB Full Daily WTT1, error -43 (file/folder not found).

4/19/2006 3:00:16 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ Normal backup using PB Full Daily Backup at 4/19/2006 3:15 AM

Can't access catalog for backup set PB Full WTT2, error -43 (file/folder not found).

4/19/2006 3:15:19 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ Duplicate using PB HD Duplicate to WTT2 PB Boot at 4/19/2006 4:00 AM


- 4/19/2006 4:00:15 AM: Copying Macintosh HD…

Can't read file “.DS_Store”, error -42 (too many files open), path: “Macintosh HD/.DS_Store”.

Trouble writing files, error -42 (too many files open).

4/19/2006 4:00:39 AM: Execution incomplete.

Remaining: 9 files, 5021 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:24 (00:00:01 idle/loading/preparing)

Quit at 4/19/2006 4:00 AM

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Can't access catalog for backup set Gretta Full WTT1, error -43 (file/folder not found).



You have to tell us more about these catalogs, and the volume that contains them.


You've suggested that they are stored at /Volumes/your_external_FW_drive.

- What is the state/status of this volume when the backup is set to run?

- Is there a user logged into the Finder at 1:00 am when the schedule runs?


Since somewhere around 10.2.x, OS X unmounts everything from /Volumes/ when a user logs out; if the operating system unmounts a volume, Retrospect will not be able to use it.


There was a hint referenced here on the Forum a couple of years ago, that gave a way to modify a .plist file to change this behavior. The instructions originally came from macosxhints.com. I have no idea if it's still valid with 10.4.x


The last error you note is more mysterious to me, and I have no idea how to comment on it.



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You have to tell us more about these catalogs, and the volume that contains them.


You've suggested that they are stored at /Volumes/your_external_FW_drive.

- What is the state/status of this volume when the backup is set to run?

- Is there a user logged into the Finder at 1:00 am when the schedule runs?




The last error you note is more mysterious to me, and I have no idea how to comment on it.





Thanks for the response.


I'll try to answer your follow-up questions but not sure I understand them. I'm no expert. wink.gif


BTW, all scripts ran A-OK last night. Only difference is that I ran those manual tests; a restore and a backup. Oh and I did a Restart.


But again, it went 2 days without backup/duplicate scripts running and no notification of that.


Answers to your questions:


1. State/status of volumes: they are mounted on my computer. Not sure what else to say?


2. The backup volumes (FW hard drives) are connected to my computer. The computer is on 24/7 and I'm only user.


Appreciate the help.

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>1. State/status of volumes: they are mounted on my computer. Not sure what else to say?


If they are mounted on your computer _when the scheduled backup attempts to run_ (which you did not confirm) then there would be nothing else to say.


>2. The backup volumes (FW hard drives) are connected to my computer.

>The computer is on 24/7 and I'm only user.


This doesn't answer the question: Is there a user logged into the Finder when the scheduled backup attempts to run?

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>1. State/status of volumes: they are mounted on my computer. Not sure what else to say?


If they are mounted on your computer _when the scheduled backup attempts to run_ (which you did not confirm) then there would be nothing else to say.


>2. The backup volumes (FW hard drives) are connected to my computer.

>The computer is on 24/7 and I'm only user.


This doesn't answer the question: Is there a user logged into the Finder when the scheduled backup attempts to run?



Yes, they are mounted when it runs.


Unless I don't understand the question, which is possible, the answer is "yes" there is someone logged in since I'm always logged in and it is always on.


On the one hand, since it ran normally last night I could chalk it up to a one time malfunction but I'd like to know if possible what happened and also why Retrospect didn't inform me that the scripts weren't running per schedule.


Thank you.

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