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Version Compatibility??

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I'm confused by "Version 6.1 for OS X" and "Version 5.1 for OS 9" on my single new CD. Does this mean the OS for running the version or the version it will backup? Another way to ask - Will version 6.1, running in OS X, create a valid backup of an OS 9 volume?

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I didn't want to bother you with a lot of detail but, maybe some is necessary - I'm thinking in terms of running Retrospect from a booted external hard drive and backing up the two volumes on the computer - one with OS X and the other with OS 9.2.2. The external would (or could) have both versions of Retrospect.


Thanks again,

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I'm thinking in terms of running Retrospect from a booted external hard drive and backing up the two volumes on the computer - one with OS X and the other with OS 9.2.2.





A machine running OS 9 cannot correctly backup a local volume that has an OS X system install; the resulting backup will not allow a bootable restore. OS X files contain data (called "inode") that is not visible to OS 9.




But you can backup data files on the OS X volume, if that's part of your strategy. Just don't expect any sort of ownership or permission information to be retained.




As for ACL, it's true that an OS X Client that has been backed up by 5.1 running under OS 9 will not copy over Access Control LIst information. But since that data is usually only seen on OS X Server installs, it shouldn't be an issue to the casual home user.

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What I have done now is to install OS X on the external hard drive and am using Retrospect 6.1 to create backups of the two volumes on the computer - one with OS X and the other with OS 9. I am assuming that the two backups will restore bootable volumes but hopefully will not be trying it soon!

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Hm. I recently upgraded our Retrospect from 4.3 to 6.1 on a G4 (blue). We use tapes to backup our server, which is running 9.0 (yeah, we're in the dark ages). Until very recently, 4.3 on Classic worked fine, then suddenly all of my scripts had a volume repeated twice and one disappeared from my list, and I get the error: not ready: Can't access volume X, error -5062 (unknown).


So, we upgraded, went to 10.2 on the backup mac, and I re-wrote the scripts (everything changed in +/- 14 days), and the logs SAY they're running fine, but I can't access folders in some of the volumes I need to backup (and permissions are set to read/write for the backup machine), PLUS in the log, it tells me that there are no files which meet my criteria.


It's been my experience that my the OSX machine will NOT read the OS9 server files. Is there anything in what I'm saying here that puts up a red flag for you? I went back to running the backups on OS9, but am still getting the same error message and the volume in question hasn't been backed up in a while now. SCARY!

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grlfriday, your situation does concern me. I am using an external hard drive with OS 10.2.8 and Retrospect 6.1 installed. Booting from the external, I am using 6.1 to create backups for both OS X and OS 9 volumes. I am getting no error messages and all seems to be flowing smoothly but I wonder??


In the opening of your post, you say that you were using Retrospect 6.1 with OS 9. Shouldn't you have been using 5.1? Could that have established some bad backup files?


Let's see if one of the experts will help us!

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