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Retro.Config file size

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I happened to noticed that the Retro.Config (6) file on my system was 145MB. Is the file normally very large?


My setup is as follows:

Retrospect Server 6.1.126

Configuration 695K

Device Access Version 1.0.107

Driver Update Version 6.1.101

158 scripts

118 clients


Running on Mac G4 Dual Quicksilver (1.0 Ghz)

1.5 GB RAM

Mac OS 10.4.6

Miles U2W (connected to a 600MB Arena Raid)

Atto UL4S (connected to a 1.5TB Raid Web EX2)

Lacie FW external drives for removable storage


I recently moved the server from a 867 Mhz Quicksilver running 10.3.9 to the Dual and have had some flakiness that I can't pin down. Occasional kernal panic, and unexpected quits. Nothing that seems consistant. In poking around I noticed that the Retro.Config file was really large. I've been using Retrospect from Version 3, and have been upgrading since.


Pete Norton

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