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Shut down after unattended backup not working

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I'm running Retrospect Backup 6.1.126 under Mac OS 10.4.6 and am trying to implement a shut down after a nightly backup on my home Mac. I have the look ahead option in Retrospect->Preferences->Schedule set to 12 hours and the unattended option in ..->Unattended set to Shutdown. There are no pending jobs in the next 12 hours, and Retrospect at least attempts to perform the shutdown (it appears in the log, and a test run displayed a shutdown warning followed by a countdown before disappearing).


I have come across KB article 5193 for version 6.0, which indicates that Retrospect can't shutdown from the login screen. I'm hoping this has been corrected for version 6.1; surely since Retrospect is running with root privileges it just needs to send a 'shutdown now'. And I can't understand how a backup could be considered 'unattended' if you must leave it logged on.


If this hasn't been corrected, are there plans to do so? What's the workaround? I'm reluctanct to schedule my Mac to auto-shut down, because I have several back-ups running and the duration could change drastically week-to-week (e.g., I get back from holiday with a ton of pics to upload or have rip'd a few new CDs). I want to be energy-conscious and have my Mac turned-off when not in use.





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since Retrospect is running with root privileges it just needs to send a 'shutdown now'



The first versions of Retrospect 5.0.x used the "shutdown" shell command. To great dismay.


Shutdown cares not about open/running applications. Programs with open, unsaved documents would simply die, loosing the changes. Very un-Mac like, where the proper behavior would be for the possibility of lost data to supercede the desire to shut down.


Currently, Retrospect uses an AppleEvent to shut down, which is more graceful. I guess AppleEvents are user based, and don't run without a logged in user (just a guess).


It would be a Good Thing for Retrospect to be able to use "shutdown" if the AppleEvent framework (not sure if that's the right technical term in this context, but you get the idea) isn't available. But it doesn't.

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  • 3 months later...

In EMC Support>Mac Compatability notes it says that Preference for Unattended operations will not work in OSX 10.1.5. Now I don't know if that has been fixed for newer versions of OSX or not. It doesn't say. I am running Retrospect 6.0126 with 10.4 Tiger and can't get Retrospect to Quit or the server to shutdown. I wish Retrospect would fix this because it may be hard on tapes to have them running idle for long periods.

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I am running Retrospect 6.0126 with 10.4 Tiger and can't get Retrospect to Quit or the server to shutdown.



Then something is amiss with your setup; the program is capable of performing these Unattended options on the current version of OS X.


Perhaps, if you're looking to make it work, you'd be willing to share the details of your hardware and software configuration with Forum readers...

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