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please help! "client is not visible on network"

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You give precious little information for people to go on.


What kind of client computer, OS, client software version? How are you trying to access the client (multicast, subnet broadcast, by fixed IP address)? When was the last time you were able to access the client? Do you get the error when you attempt to configure the client as well as when trying to access it during a backup?


How can you be sure that the firewall permits access if the client is not visible?


What have you tried thus far to fix the problem?

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the client computer is a dell running xp, im in an office where many computers pcs and macs access our mac G5, i see the computers name in retropect but it is greyed out and when i try to addhim manually by entering his IP adress it tells me error 1028- client is not visible on server. i have tried to fix the problem by checking his firewall settings and permissions and file sharing, but nothing has worked thus far.


thank you in advance for your help, let me know if you need more information.

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the client computer is a dell running xp, im in an office where many computers pcs and macs access our mac G5


So, what version of the client software is the Dell running? There had been some issues with some client versions 7.5.x when backing up to Macs; I don't know whether they've been fixed with the latest version, 7.5.111. We're successfully backing up our XP clients using client versions 6.0.110 and 7.0.109. The earlier verion does not handle multiple network cards without invoking BindListener.


Are all your clients in the same subnet, or are you backing up across a router or gateway?



i see the computers name in retropect but it is greyed out


What do you mean here? Do you mean that the icon is greyed out when you go to Configure> Clients? That would imply that you once were able to access the client. When did that ability stop?



when i try to addhim manually by entering his IP adress it tells me error 1028- client is not visible on server.


So why are you using manual IP addressing? Is it because your network hardware is configured to block subnet broadcast?


Did you use a fixed IP address when you first set up this client? When you attempted to reaccess the client manually, how did you determing what IP address to enter?


If you go to Configure> Clients and Forget the client; then click on Network...> Windows, can you see the client?


Are there multiple network cards installed in the client computer?



i have tried to fix the problem by checking his firewall settings


So, are the Retrospect UDP and TCP exceptions for port 497 enabled?


Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the client software?

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