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Sole Internal PB HD "unavailable"

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just wiped/reinitialized TiBook 867 drive, installed Tiger 10.4.6, restored all data from ext FiWi drive, updated Retro and driver update from 6.0 to 6.1.


Both 6x versions say my sole internal HD (a default single partition) is now "unavailable". So I can't backup and have very little time before an outa town trip...


How do I fix this?

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Sounds like you were backing up that specific drive rather than the local desktop. As far as Retrospect is concerned, the reinitialized drive is a "new" volume, so of course, the previous volume is "unavailable."


Go to Configure> Volumes> and forget the old HD (it'll be greyed out).


Then go to your script(s) and edit the source to add either Local Desktop or the name of your reinitialized drive.

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