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error 101 (improper request).

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I was doing a normal back-up to a new tape when, after writing about 3gb data, Retrospect came up with the following error;


Device trouble: “3-Backup Set Purple”, error 101 (improper request).


Does anyone know what it refers to? Is it the tape drive or the tape itself or is it a problem with Retrospect?

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Is it the tape drive or the tape itself or is it a problem with Retrospect?



Without being given _any_ information about any of the various factors in play, it's pretty much impossible for anyone to say.


Perhaps you could post your complete hardware and software configuration?



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Thanks for that Dave


Here is some more detail for you;


I have a LaCie AIT Tape Library, connected by firewire to an xserve running OS 10.3.9 with 1gb ram. I use Sony AIT-2 TURBO 8MM-80/160GB data cartridges.


The job was running on a schedule ie as Root user.


First of all a dialog box with an error message popped up saying there was a fault with Retrospect but it didn't save that message in the log and I can't remember for sure what it said.

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