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Trouble matching <client> to <backup set>, error -192 (resource not found)

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I'm getting this error:

Trouble matching <client> to <backup set>, error -192 (resource not found)

Why? What does it mean - it doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the manual?


I'm backing up to DVD. Prior to this error occuring, Retrospect mysteriously 'forget' about the last few DVDs in the backup set (they didn't appear at all in the list of media in the backup set!), so I ran Tools->Repair->Existing Catalog File, and then put in the last few DVDs that Retrospect had forgotten about. After that all the DVDs appear in the list correctly, so everything seemed to have been repaired OK, but now I'm getting the "Resource not found" error.


The error occurs with all volumes for all clients. Powerbook running Mac OS X 10.3.9 server with Mac OS X and Windows XP clients, backing up to internal DVD-RW disks.



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Please can someone from EMC reply to my question please. It's been 5 days now.



This is not EMCInsignia tech support. As such, answers from NateW and others are welcome, but should not be expected.


This Forum is community based, and works best when the person with the problem or question (you) provides complete, specific and thorough information about hardware, software, configuration, steps, observations, etc etc etc.


For example, some information you could provide that _might_ help others to help you:


>The error occurs with all volumes for all clients.

- Do backups of local Sources work without error?


- Do you get the same error backing up to a new or different Backup Set?


- At what point in the Execution does the error occur?


- What is the make/model of the DVD-R drive?


- What driver is being used (Configure->Devices->Device Status)?

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And, as Dave points out, it would help if you provided configuration information. By the way, a PowerBook is not supported hardware for running Mac OS X Server, so you are already swimming in uncharted waters. Here's the Mac OS X Server hardware requirements:


Hardware Requirements:


* Xserve or Xserve G5, Power Mac G5, Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4, Power Macintosh G3 (Blue & White) and Macintosh Server G3 (Blue & White), iMac and iMac G5, eMac and Mac mini computer


If you are looking for EMC/Insignia tech support, you need to purchase the support agreement. But those of us who are users will try to help you if you provide enough details.



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> Do backups of local Sources work without error?

Backups of local sources have the same error. The error occurs for all of the volumes on all the clients and the local client.


> Do you get the same error backing up to a new or different Backup Set?

Creating a completely new backup with exactly the same settings, of the same clients, to the same DVD drive works OK.


> At what point in the Execution does the error occur?

It occurs after the "Matching..." dialog disappears. So, the sequence is:

1) Start Backup Server.

2) Backup Server connects to client and displays "Scanning..." dialog.

3) "Matching..." dialog is displayed - it shows something like "Matched 101 of 1686 sessions" (the "101" obviously varies depending on the volume). The "1686 sessions" is consistant for each volume (as you'ld expect).

4) The "Matching..." dialog disappears and then there is a slight pause before the "Trouble matching..." error is displayed in the log window, and then it immediately goes on to try and do the next volume on the client.


Here is the log file extract:


? Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 11/4/2006 1:08 pm

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version


+ 11/4/2006 1:13 pm: Backup Server started


+ Normal backup using WadbroughRdBackup at 11/4/2006 2:12 pm

To backup set WadbroughRdBackupB…


- 11/4/2006 2:12:42 pm: Copying Data (D:) on SONYVAIO…

11/4/2006 2:12:42 pm: Connected to SONYVAIO

Trouble matching Data (D:) on SONYVAIO to WadbroughRdBackupB, error -192 (resource not found).


- 11/4/2006 2:13:18 pm: Copying DRIVE C (C:) on SONYVAIO…

11/4/2006 2:13:18 pm: Execution stopped by operator.




> What is the make/model of the DVD-R drive?

Standard internal Aluminium 15-inch Powerbook DVD-RW.


Info from System Profiler:




Manufacturer: MATSHITA


Revision: DXJ3

Serial Number:

Drive Type: CD-RW/DVD-RW

Disc Burning: Apple Supported/Shipped

Removable Media: Yes

Detachable Drive: No

Protocol: ATAPI

Unit Number: 0

Socket Type: Internal




> What driver is being used (Configure->Devices->Device Status)?

Info from Retrospect's "Device Status" dialog:


ATAPI-A:0:0 MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-816 DXJ3 Panasonic DVD-RW (5.12)




I'm not running Mac OS X Server, I'm running the _Retrospect server_ on the Powerbook, which is running Mac OS X 10.3.9.





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Thanks for the information. Now we've almost got something to work with, and it seems that you are only having problems backing up a Windows client from Retrospect running on a Mac. That's a very different problem than first posed. What version Retrospect client on the Sony VAIO?

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If a newly created Backup Set works reliably, and the problematic Backup Set always fails, then it's apparent that the problem is with the Backup Set and not with your hardware.


This is reinforced by the fact that you had to Repair the Catalog file earlier, which helped at the time.


Your two best options (IMHO) are:


1: Retire this Backup Set


Use: Configure->Backup Sets->Configure->Options->Media Action->New Media


To have Retrospect create a new Catalog File (named "Foo[001]"). Any scripts that used the old Backup Set as a Source will become configured to use the new one.


2: Rebuild the Backup Set from the DVD media.

You didn't include the number of Member disks in any of your reports; rebuilding can take quite a while (especially on a slower drive such as the one you're using). If you have a backup copy of the catalog, from before the problems began, you can use that as a starting point for the Rebuild. If you _don't_ have a backup of your Catalog file, in the future you should treat it as the very valuable datafile it is, worthy of multiple, redundant backups.

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