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Failure to Auto Launch

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I am running Retrospect Desktop v.6.1.126 on a G4 mini mac OS X 10.4.5 with 1.5 GHz RAM. Retrospect backs up the mini and two clients to two LaCie external HDs.


I have only just acquired the Mac mini. I was previously using v.6 on a G4 running Panther and the system operated flawlessly.


Since the change to Tiger, Retrospect fails to launch automatically. It will however launch when I log on to the mini and type my administrator password into the Retrospect window that opens after I log on. It then runs all the scheduled backups that have not run since the last time I logged on.


I have uninstalled and re-installed Retrospect; I have trashed all the preferences, I have trashed the Retrorun file; I have installed TS-Scheduler - all to no avail. I am completely out of my depth trying to fix this problem. I would appreciate any suggestions since having a backup system that relies on my memory to operate is a prescription for disaster. Thank you.

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It will however launch when I log on to the mini and type my administrator password into the Retrospect window that opens after I log on.





Could you explain this more exactly?




- The computer is on, with no user logged into the Aqua Finder?


- You log into the Finder, and you watch Retrospect launch?


- Retrospect launches, and without further input from you the authentication dialog box appears?




The auto-launch system in Retrospect doesn't know/care about Finder users, so there is nothing within the program or its related files that would launch Retrospect just by logging in as a user.




- Are you sure that Retrospect isn't already launched when you log into the Finder? It could be hidden behind the login window.




- Do you have Retrospect added to the list of login items in your Accounts preference pane?




- Before logging into the Finder, can you connect (via SSH) from another computer and see if the retrorun process is alive?




> I am completely out of my depth trying to fix this problem




I don't think so. You did good initial research (the retrorunfile problem has been written about here a lot), and you described your problem fairly well. What's needed now is more granular, specific information about exactly what you're seeing.





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Dave - thanks for your quick response. Following are my answers to your questions.


"The computer is on, with no user logged into the Aqua Finder?" --- Quote





"- You log into the Finder, and you watch Retrospect launch?

- Retrospect launches, and without further input from you the authentication dialog box appears?" --- Quote


The mini is headless and I log in to the Finder via Timbuktu. The rest of your question prompted me to look again. See below.



"- Are you sure that Retrospect isn't already launched when you log into the Finder? It could be hidden behind the login window. " -- quote


You are correct - the Retrospect authentication window is already open behind the Finder log in window. I have Retrospect in the dock, and at that point, there is no black triangle showing Retrospect to be running. (At one point, I set the Retrospect preferences to keep Retrospect running after performing a backup - even then, there was no black triangle in the dock).


"- Do you have Retrospect added to the list of login items in your Accounts preference pane?" -- Quote


I do not. Is that something I need to do?


"- Before logging into the Finder, can you connect (via SSH) from another computer and see if the retrorun process is alive?" -- quote


You have just exceeded the limits of my knowledge, although, with instruction, I could probably do that.

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