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Multi-DVD-R backups fail at compare stage with "Incompatible"

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I have the latest Retrospect Desktop with the latest RDU running on a PB 1.5 Ghz with OS 10.4.3. I am using the Apple OEM UJ-845E drive which supposedly is supported with the latest RDU. I am using single layer DVD-R (TKD and Philips).


I can do a backup & compare to a single DVD-R just fine. But when I back up two volumes with enough data to span two DVDs Retrospect backs up and compares the first volume just fine, then backs up the second volume and then asks for the first DVD to start the compare of the second volume (which is partially on the first DVD). At that point it refuses to recognize the first DVD and just reports "Incompatible" in the device dialog.


I have tried this twice with two different DVD-R brands, both times with the same results.


Any ideas are greatly appreciated.




-- Terrence

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