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backing up to a mounted apple file share?

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I jus recently purchased a lacie 250gig ethernet disc mini. I have connected it to my network via ethernet but when running retrospect 6.1.126, i can only backup a maximum of 4gb on a mounted share. I did some research on this in the knowledgebase and found that, yes, apple file share only allows a maximum of 4gb. does anyone know a way around this? I specifically purchased this drive to share it over ethernet on my network, would love to be able to use it that way...





using powermac g5 10.4.5 installed

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I did some research on this in the knowledgebase and found that, yes, apple file share only allows a maximum of 4gb



What KB entries gave you this information? (it always helps to provide specifics about what you've tried/learned/observed/etc when you post asking others for additional information) Was it this one?


It sounds as if you're mixing up some limits. AFP is Apple File Protocol; in versions before 3.1 (everything before OS X Server 10.2 and OS X 10.4) there was a 2 Gigabyte file size limit.


In versions of AFP after 3.1, the 2 Gigabyte limit is gone.


If you are writing to an HFS+ volume that has been mounted via AFP, you can successfully copy files larger then 2 GB, and larger then 4 GB.


But, if your mounted volume is not formatted as HFS+, you may run into limits imposed by that disk's formatting.


Your LaCie is unlikely to be sharing via AFP, and unlikely to be formatted as HFS+. So the limit you are seeing is due to the file sharing protocol and/or the partition scheme of the NAS. And it's unlikely that you can change this.

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