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"Catalog is locked" error

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I am new to this forum but from past messages, I see I am not alone with this problem. I used Retrospect Desktop 6.1.126 with Mac OS X 10.4.4. I was able to do an initial total backup from an internal hard drive to an external firewire drive but when the first incremental backup time came I got the message, " Can not backup to file set because the catalog is locked."


I see a lot of past discussion on this topic but no definitive answer and I refuse to pay Dantz $70 for such a common problem that is not addressed in the on-line knowlege base or Dantz Retrospect manual.


Has anyone come up with the real cause of this problem?

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I see a lot of past discussion on this topic but no definitive answer



Generally the best thing to do in this situation (looking for free, community based support) would be to find the most appropriate existing thread and add your report there.


Using the previous reports as a base, you would include specific information regarding your setup, your experiences, and any actions you have taken. If questions in the thread have gone unanswered, you would try and answer them as best you can. This would expand the pool of knowledge for all, including any EMCInsignia people who might read it.


There has been a continuing issue with multiple copies of Retrospect auto-launching, resulting in an error similar to the one you "quote." Most users do not see the issue, while others see it every time. Getting specific information from the unlucky few would be the only way to figure out what's going on for them. But starting a new thread with minimal information isn't going to get you the help you're looking for.



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