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Curious on execution errors?

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I frequently get the following types of execution errors reported in log. I'm curious as to what they mean.


Thanks for any links to where I might find the answers.


FWIW: My system: OS X 10.4.5, Retrospect Backup 6.1.126, backing up to external Firewire hard drive.




+ Duplicate using PB HD Duplicate to WTT1 PB Boot at 3/3/2006 2:00 AM


- 3/3/2006 2:00:32 AM: Copying Macintosh HD…

3/3/2006 2:29:14 AM: Comparing WTT1 PB Boot…

File “com.apple.LaunchServices-0140.csstore”: different creation date/time (src: 3/3/2006 2:29:10 AM, dest: 3/2/2006 3:56:27 PM), path: “Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices-0140.csstore”.

File “com.apple.LaunchServices-014501.csstore”: different data size (src: 1,134,592, dest: 1,101,824), path: “Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices-014501.csstore”.

File “asl.log”: different data size (src: 794,197, dest: 794,043), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/asl.log”.

File “system.log”: different data size (src: 38,975, dest: 38,912), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log”.

3/3/2006 2:31:29 AM: 4 execution errors.

Completed: 6844 files, 433.6 MB

Performance: 29.3 MB/minute (15.8 copy, 192.6 compare)

Duration: 00:30:57 (00:01:25 idle/loading/preparing)


+ Normal backup using PB Full Daily Backup at 3/3/2006 2:32 AM

To backup set PB Full Daily WTT1…


- 3/3/2006 2:32:00 AM: Copying Macintosh HD…

3/3/2006 3:14:42 AM: Comparing Macintosh HD…

File “com.apple.LaunchServices-0140.csstore”: different creation date/time (set: 3/3/2006 2:31:26 AM, vol: 3/3/2006 2:52:47 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices-0140.csstore”.

File “com.apple.LaunchServices-014501.csstore”: different data size (set: 1,134,592, vol: 1,265,664), path: “Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices-014501.csstore”.

File “filetoken.db”: different modification date/time (set: 3/3/2006 2:46:14 AM, vol: 3/3/2006 3:16:17 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/com.apple.ATS/501/filetoken.db”.

File “local.nidump”: different modification date/time (set: 3/2/2006 3:56:01 AM, vol: 3/3/2006 3:15:05 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/backups/local.nidump”.

File “SystemEntropyCache”: different modification date/time (set: 3/3/2006 2:00:56 AM, vol: 3/3/2006 3:00:56 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/db/SystemEntropyCache”.

File “asl.log”: different data size (set: 794,197, vol: 794,196), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/asl.log”.

File “daily.out”: different data size (set: 48,047, vol: 49,855), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/daily.out”.

File “mail.log”: different data size (set: 558, vol: 669), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/mail.log”.

File “system.log”: different data size (set: 38,975, vol: 95), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log”.

File “system.log.0.gz”: different data size (set: 6012, vol: 4768), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.0.gz”.

File “system.log.1.gz”: different data size (set: 1192, vol: 6012), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.1.gz”.

File “system.log.2.gz”: different data size (set: 308, vol: 1192), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.2.gz”.

File “system.log.3.gz”: different data size (set: 790, vol: 308), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.3.gz”.

File “system.log.4.gz”: different data size (set: 199, vol: 790), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.4.gz”.

File “system.log.5.gz”: different data size (set: 191, vol: 199), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.5.gz”.

File “system.log.6.gz”: different data size (set: 717, vol: 191), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.6.gz”.

File “system.log.7.gz”: different data size (set: 3112, vol: 717), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/system.log.7.gz”.

File “cron.pid”: different data size (set: 3, vol: 5), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/run/cron.pid”.

File “ntp.drift”: different data size (set: 6, vol: 8), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/run/ntp.drift”.

3/3/2006 3:44:39 AM: 19 execution errors.

Completed: 117745 files, 5.8 GB

Performance: 180.5 MB/minute (166.1 copy, 197.6 compare)

Duration: 01:12:39 (00:07:04 idle/loading/preparing)

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I'm curious as to what they mean



They mean that your OS X computer is happily running during the backup process.


- Retrospect first scans all the files in your Source, and notes things such as their size and date.


- Then Retrospect writes all these files to your Destination media.


- Then Retrospect goes back and reads in the files it just wrote, and compares the copies against the original information. Any differences are noted.


Things such as log files are constantly being written, so it's normal for the new files to be larger and newer then the originals.


As for the .gz files, it's likely that your backups are occuring at the same time that OS X is doing housecleaning tasks with the system logs. It all looks normal and expected.



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