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Retrospect Client keeps turning itself off

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My logs keep telling me they can't access some machines and when I go to the machines in question more often than not Retrospect Client appears to have shut itself off. Any ideas on how to stop this from happening?


Mac OS X Server 10.4.5

Mac OS X 10.4.4

Restropect 6.1.126

Restrospect Client 6.1.107

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There are multiple threads here on the Forum about this, so the first thing you should do is search for other users' reports.


There is some outstanding issue about the client process (pitond) actually crashing (and leaving behind a crash log). This issue remaines unexplained to us on the Forum.


There have also been users who move the client application, which prevents the client process from launching on startup. So the second thing you should do is test one of these machines and confirm that after a restart, the pitond process has launched correctly.



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