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Device dropping off on tape change

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I have a Sony LIB-162 (one AIT drive) running on an Xserve dual G5 (10.4.3), Retrospect 6.1 with the latest driver update. The backup has two sets which alternate weekly, set A weeks 1, 3, 5, 7... and set B set 2, 4, 6, 8...




Whenever the time comes for the tape change Retropect appears to no longer be able to see the tapes in the carousel or drive (the web interface to the StorStation shows the correct configuration of the carousel/drive). The only way to get it running again is to restart the Xserve. Additionally the "Eject all" button in configure/devices does nothing.




The report here seems very similar, but we are not getting alarms on the StorStation:








Anyone have any ideas on getting this system to work as it should?

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