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Firewire Hardrive Unmounts During Duplicating

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Using 10.4.4 and Retrospect 6.1 my firewire/usb2 external hard drive unmounts when Retropect begins to duplictate the files when I use the firewire port (I tried both ports). To see the drive again I have to shut off the drive and restart.


Thus far using the USB port the duplicate is working fine (only 84 GB to go).


Is there a problem with firewire drives and Retropect?

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Is there a problem with firewire drives and Retropect?



No. It sounds as if you have a problem somewhere on your FireWire bus, either the drive, the computer or the cable.


Retrospect doesn't know about or care about the physical connection; if the OS mounts the drive, Retrospect can write to it.



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