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restore folder empty

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I am using Retrospect 6.1.126 on a Mac G4 with the standard Pioneer SuperDrive running OS 10.3.9 backing up to FujiFilm DVD-R.


I am attempting to restore a single file 146MB in size. Initially I had but one snapshot but have had Retrospect create several earlier ones.


Every attempt to restore this file results in "Execution Completed Successfully" but the dialog box indicates "0 files" and "zero K" completed. A Retrospect folder can be found on the destination volume, but it is empty.


I have been using Retrospect for several years and have never encountered this problem before.


The original file has been accidentally overwritten and many hours of labor lost if I cannot retrieve the backup file.


Thank you for any help anyone can offer.



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- What Type of Restore are you performing (Entire disk, Files from backup, Search)?


- Are you selecting the file(s) in the Files Chosen browser window?


- After you close the Browser window and before you click "Restore," does the Files Chosen area display the correct count/size of the file(s)?


- Are you prompted to insert a Member of the Backup Set?


- Can you Restore other files from this Backup Set? This same Snapshot?


- Is there any entry in the Operations Log?



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Thank you for your response, Dave.


I select "Restore files from a backup" and click OK. I choose a Source Snapshot and click OK. I choose Destination and click OK. I click "Files Chosen" and mark the target file. The file appears in the Browser box with the correct name and file size. I am prompted to insert the appropriate DVD. The execution is completed sucessfully but the folder is empty.


From the same Snapshot I have successfully downloaded a different file. From the same Member of the same Backup Set I have successfully downloaded a different file (though I may have to reload this particular Member more than once before Retrospect recognizes the DVD). From a different snapshot the same problem file failed to download.


The Operations Log reads:

- 1/28/2006 5:06:51 PM: Restoring from MacDataBackup01…

1/28/2006 5:09:13 PM: Execution completed successfully.

Remaining: 1 files, 138.6 MB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:02:21 (00:02:19 idle/loading/preparing)


I must add that during my last backup I foolishly worked on this file while Retrospect did its work in the background. I noted the following in the Operations Log:

File “Panel02.psd” appears incomplete, path: “McData/ClientsRichDesign/KentSheryl/Panels/FinalArt/Panel02.psd”.

Panel02.psd is the file in question.


That is why I added a new Snapshot to access an earlier version of the file, thinking that Retrospect had trouble copying it while I was modifying the same file.



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Operations log:

+ Executing Searching & Retrieval at 1/29/2006 10:48 AM

To volume LoaDown on McArt…


- 1/29/2006 10:48:12 AM: Retrieving from MacDataBackup01…

1/29/2006 10:56:09 AM: Execution completed successfully.

Remaining: 6 files, 738.5 MB

Completed: 1 files, 125.7 MB

Performance: 68.5 MB/minute

Duration: 00:07:56 (00:06:06 idle/loading/preparing)


As you can see from the log, one of seven files was restored successfully. This file was stored on Member #4. Member #5 was repeatedly rejected as "incompatible." Multiple reloading of the DVD culminated in final acceptance, but no data was restored, though I have successfully restored data from this DVD on other occasions. Perhaps the media is defective. Is there any way to transfer the data from one Member to fresh media?


The one file recovered, though not the latest version, will save many hours of labor. Thank you, Dave, for your kind assistance with my problem.



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  • 8 years later...

I'm experiencing a similar problem where I make all the selections of files and folders to restore, Retrospect tells me that the "Execution Completed Successfully," and only the folder structure appears but no files were restored. Here's my setup:

  • Windows 7, 64-bit
  • Running Retrospect 9.0.1
  • Backups were made on earlier version(s) of Retrospect
  • Here's the entry from the Operations Log:

- 5/2/2014 1:42:37: Restoring from Backup Set WD1, Snapshot Local Disk (C:), 3/27/2014 18:13:24

Reported missing by user: "1-Backup Set WD1"
5/2/2014 1:42:55: Execution completed successfully
Duration: 00:00:18 (00:00:08 idle/loading/preparing)
5/2/2014 1:42:55: Script "Restore from Backup" completed successfully
Help, please? :)
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Reported missing by user: "1-Backup Set WD1"

Is it possible that the files you want were originally backed up to member #1 and were never subsequently backed up to a later member? If so, and if that member is really missing, you would unfortunately be out of luck.


Incidentally, you have posted this in the Mac forum; it looks like you wanted Windows.

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Hi Tim,


I'm just lost since the restore previously worked fine a few weeks ago and now does not. I do not believe I backed up since that successful restore. I'm starting to understand how Retrospect works. It creates a directory of backup files where each one contains the new/different information since the last backup (or something similiar to this), right? Is this what you mean by "member #1" in a directory full of these "member" files (filenames starting with "AA0000," right?)? If that's the case, I don't know how that member would have gone missing.


And yes, thank you for pointing out that I posted in the Mac forum. This is the thread that Google pointed me to. I will gladly carry the conversation on in the Windows forum. I've created a new thread there:







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I'm just lost since the restore previously worked fine a few weeks ago and now does not. I do not believe I backed up since that successful restore. I'm starting to understand how Retrospect works. It creates a directory of backup files where each one contains the new/different information since the last backup (or something similiar to this), right? Is this what you mean by "member #1" in a directory full of these "member" files (filenames starting with "AA0000," right?)? If that's the case, I don't know how that member would have gone missing.

No, the backup files are not "members." Members are the actual physical things, such as tapes or hard drive volumes, that contain the backup files.


Based on what you say here, I suspect you inadvertently marked your only disk member as "missing." Go to the Media Sets window, highlight the name of the media set (Backup Set WD1), and click on the "Members" tab. Uncheck the box marked "Lost" and you should be good to go.

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