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Mac OS X Server 10.4.3 AFP Shuts down

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Hello. I am a consultant and have many clients running retrospect successfully on Mac OS X Server 10.4 boxes. I recently set-up a new client with the latest Retrospect Workgroup on a G5 running OS X Server 10.4.3. Every time Retrospect runs, the client claims, AFP shuts down and obviously kicks everyone off of the server. Anybody have any simple answer to this unexpected behavior? Any thoughts are appreciated.


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Joel, that is unusual. We've got an Xserve G5 (2.0 GHz single processor, 2 GB RAM) that we received in July 2005 with Mac OS 10.4.2 Server and running Retrospect Workgroup, and it's been through the usual updates (Server 10.4.3, 10.4.4, Retrospect 6.0, 6.1) and we have never seen this problem. Your post is a little light on specifics (Retrospect and RDU versions, backup device and how attached, Xserve memory capacity, which variant Xserve G5 and its hardware specifics). Could you post some specifics? Does the shutdown happen when the networked clients are backed up or when the server backs itself up? How are the AFP volumes mounted on the server (just normal stuff through WGM, etc.)? Have you done any odd modifications to the Retrospect Event Handler? Are you using the Retrospect Event Handler, and, if so, which flavor? What you are seeing is not normal.


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