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Backup completed but no entry in Backup Report

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RS Server 6.1, OSXS 10.2.8, Xserve G4, AIT-2 loader, ATTO UL3S SCSI


We've just installed RS 6.1 and have been checking through the logs. With about 25 backup clients some clients show up in the Backup Report but with no entries under Elapsed Days. Errs, Date, etc. On going to the machines in question they show they were backed up last night


Why a backup but no entry in the report? It doesn't make life easy...

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It's not clear from your question: Are you implying that the backup events do not appear in the Operations Log? Or do the events appear in the Operations Log but not the Backup Report?


If it's the latter, open the report and go to Report> View Options. You may just be masking some events you really wish to view.

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I said "some clients show up in the Backup Report.." - as stated, events for certain clients do not show in the Backup Report. Viewing the Retrospect application on the clients (OS 10.4, 9.2.2, etc) shows a backup was done


I'll check the View Options tomorrow when I'm onsite. Grateful for any suggestions as to why some clients show events (in the Backup Report) and others don't


At the time of posting I've not checked the log against the BR as the log is such a blunt instrument. The BR is an easier read for diagnosis

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Okay, I've checked the Log, Backup Report and machine. For a typical "invisible event" I find that there is:


* Entry in the Log

* Entry on the machine

* No entry in the Backup Report


So Backup Report is missing events


I've checked the settings in Report > View Options and they're OK


Any ideas?

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I've checked the settings in Report > View Options and they're OK



Any cofiguration of View Options would be "OK" if that's what the user intended.


But that doesn't describe what your settings are.


Are they:


- Standard Format

- All Types

- All Events

- All Backups

- Including: Events where no files are copied

- Including: Clien/volume offline errors

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I've checked the settings in Report > View Options and they're OK



Any cofiguration of View Options would be "OK" if that's what the user intended.


But that doesn't describe what your settings are.


Are they:


- Standard Format

- All Types

- All Events

- All Backups

- Including: Events where no files are copied

- Including: Client/volume offline errors



The settings are:


Report layout: Performance Data Report

Event Types: All Types

Event dates: All dates

Show; All backups

Including: Events where no file are copied

Including: Client/Volume offline errors



Any useful comments would be appreciated from anyone who can shed light on why events that appear in the Log and on the machine do not appear in the Backup Report

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Can we assume that _all_ the content triangles to the left of the clients and volumes listed in the report are pointed down (open)?


Are the missing events a part of the same backup set as some displayed events? (In other words, it isn't that all of the events associated with one particular backup set are missing, is it?)

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Can we assume that _all_ the content triangles to the left of the clients and volumes listed in the report are pointed down (open)?



You can - they are



Are the missing events a part of the same backup set as some displayed events? (In other words, it isn't that all of the events associated with one particular backup set are missing, is it?)



Other clients in the same backup set do display OK so, yes, the missing events are part of the same backup set as some displayed events


To summarise, we have around 25 clients all being backed up by two backup servers. Some of these clients appear in the Backup Report with no entries. But the same "missing" client BR entries do appear in the Log and in the Retrospect Client


The "missing" clients have been forgotten then re-added to the scripts. Reinstalling the clients seems like a waste of time as they are being backed up. It's just that the Backup Report shows them as not having been backed up

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I'd try troubleshooting Retrospect files.


First, go to /Library/Preferences/Retrospect, drag out the Operations Log, and relaunch Retrospect. This will force Retrospect to create a new log file. If the old one was corrupt, this may fix your problem.


It may also be that the Retro.Config file (in the same folder as above) is damaged. Try dragging it out and relaunching. The issue here is that this file contains all your scripts, client info, etc., so if it is indeed corrupt and you don't have a clean copy from a prior backup, you will need to reenter all that data by hand.

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First, go to /Library/Preferences/Retrospect, drag out the Operations Log, and relaunch Retrospect. This will force Retrospect to create a new log file. If the old one was corrupt, this may fix your problem.


Thanks for your suggestion. The problem appears to lie with the Report whilst the log is correct. I don't see how creating a new log can help here



It may also be that the Retro.Config file (in the same folder as above) is damaged. Try dragging it out and relaunching. The issue here is that this file contains all your scripts, client info, etc., so if it is indeed corrupt and you don't have a clean copy from a prior backup, you will need to reenter all that data by hand.


As there is no script export facility this is not an option


It appears from preliminary testing that the Backup Report contains only scripted backups and not manual ones. Can anyone comment on this?

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this is not an option



The suggestions above were non-destructive tests. I don't think the Operations Log file would effect it, but it wouldn't hurt to move/rename it and test.


Same with the preferences file. Try with clean prefs, run some tests, and see. Then replace config file and see if problem follows.


And as has been suggested on this board before, files such as Retrospect catalogs and Retrospect preferences are valuable data that should be backed up in case of loss or corruption.



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