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"Chunk checksum did not match"

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Hi all!

I keep getting this error when the matching process happens with archive/backup and while searching on restore. The search results will then only be up to where the problem was encountered. If I quit and restart my mac & Retrospect, I do not get the error on the first time I use Retrospect after restarting, but if I need to use Retrospect again later, I have to restart again not to get the error. Any clues? The only software I run is Retrospect, Digidesign Protools, Apple Final Cut Pro and Soundminer.


Mac FW 800 MD 1.42

Mac OS 10.3.9

Retrospect 6.0.204

Driver update V 6.4.102

Backup unto CD /DVD-/+R and Firewire HD's





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Chunk checksum failures usually mean that the catalog is corrupt, but if you're having problems with multiple backup set catalogs, perhaps another Retrospect file is corrupt.


Try temporarily removing the Retrospect folder containing the config files from /Library/Preferences and then perform a fresh install of Retrospect. If the problem goes away, you can try returning the config files to see whether they or the previous copy of the Retrospect app was corrupt.


If the problem doesn't clear, you will need to rebuild the relevant catalog files from the media.

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