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Retrospect Client 5.15

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I'm running Retrospect on a Mac and have a five-client license. I have a PC in there that is being backed up and I have a problem with the client window. It says that it was last backed up on March 29, but it has certainly been backed up since then. In fact, it's automated, and I sat through two backup sessions and watched it get backed up.




Is this normal? Is there an easy fix for this? Please advise




Scott Hampton







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During these backups you witnessed, did the client indicate that it was in use by the backup server in the Status window of the Retrospect Client control panel? If not, it sounds like you may have two clients installed on this computer - one that is being accessed regularly and one that is not.




Another possibility is that you are backing up the computer via mapped drive rather then through the client software. If you go to Configure > Volumes, where is this client listed? Under Local Desktop? Under Backup Clients? Under both? If you see this machine listed under Local Desktop, you are probably backing it up as a mapped drive. You will need to edit your script Sources in order to remove the mappped drive and add the client.

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I was actually at the server watching the backup, not the client. That's a good idea and I'll do that when I get the chance. In any case, I was able to resolve it. When I checked the client out it now displays the proper backup times. I'm not certain if the backups never completed before, or what, but it's fixed now. Sorry for the alarm.





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