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Backup Strategy needed!!!


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I have Retro Server 5.5 for windows with both mac and widows clients. I am trying to setup the following schedule, but Retro manual's description of schedule is vague. Hopefully you can give some pointers.




1) Do a normal backup Monday-Thursday using tapes in


2) Do a Full backup on Friday (FullBackup tape 1).




3) Do a normal backup Monday-Thursday using tapes in (1)


4) Do a Full backup on Friday (FullBackup tape 2).




5) Do a normal backup Monday-Thursday using tapes in (3)


6) Do a Full backup on Friday (FullBackup tape 3).




5) Do a normal backup Monday-Thursday using tapes in (5)


6) Do a Full backup on Friday (FullBackup tape 4).




Repeat steps (1) through (6) for the each month. Rotate full backups 1-4






What is the best strategy for this schedule?




Do I have to creat four backup Sets(setA, setB, setC, setD)? Or a backup set for each daily normal backup and backup sets for each full back tapes? Thanks.





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What you are trying do can be setup in 1 script with the 4 backup sets: SetA thru SetD. It appears that on Fridays you are recycling the backup sets then running a complete. Monday -> Thursday, you are appending (Normal backup) to the same Set tape. The next week, a new Set is used following the same procedures as the first week. This continues for 4 weeks before you reuse the original first tape set. If all this is correct then:




Create a new non-EasyScript script, choose day of the week option, check Friday, choose backup SetA as input, put a 4 in intervals, choose recycle then fill in the rest of the data for date & time and when you want this to start. When done, I think it takes you to the backup options area to setup what you want to backup and where to. There is a schedule tab press it and it will let you ADD to your schedule.




Follow the same process as before, but choose the days Monday thru Thursday, Normal backup, interval 4. This will append to the previous backup for 4 days. Be sure the start time for this is after Fridays recycle or that data will be recycled on Friday.




You keep adding events to the schedule menu using the same plan as before but starting 1, 2 and 3 weeks from the first backup set using the other 3 backup sets. If scripts were stored outside the config file I could send you a setup schedule since it takes like 5 minutes to do this.

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