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Retrospect 18.5.1 Server Mac and Client 16.1.0 on MacOS 10.7.5

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Since upgrading to 18.5 I have not been able to perform a reliable backup of a computer connected to the same ethernet switch as the server, resulting in the following error email message:


--Script Summary--
* Script: Apple (NEW)
* Date: 2/23/2022 5:00 PM
* Errors: 1
* Warnings: 0
* Performance: 0.0 MB/minute
* Duration: 00:06:02
* Server: IRS

		+	Normal backup using Apple (NEW) at 2/23/2022 4:54 PM (Execution unit 3)
		2/23/2022 4:54:56 PM: Finished scanning backup set data files
		To Backup Set Group 5...
		Can't access volume Macintosh HD on Apple, error -559 (network connection timeout)
		2/23/2022 5:00:26 PM: Compressing catalog file
		2/23/2022 5:00:36 PM: Execution incomplete
		Total duration: 00:00:19


After this failure, any further communication with the client results in a "Client is Reserved (-505)" error.  The client computer needs to be restarted for it to be accessible from the "refresh" or "locate" commands from the server again.  This combination of devices worked without problem using the previous version of Retrospect for Mac.  Client 16.1 was the last to be supported in MacOS 10.7 Lion.


Any suggestions would be most welcome

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First thing to note is that you don't need to restart the client computer to free it up. Open the RS Client and Command-click the "Off" button to set the client to "Not running", then click the "On" button to turn it back on again.

Next thing I'd do is try missing out the switch. Can you run a direct ethernet connection from server to client, if only for a test backup? If that works then it's a switch issue -- do you have other devices on the same switch that are being backed up successfully?

If the direct connection has the same problem then it's a client issue. If it's client/server incompatibility then updating to 18.5.1 might help, otherwise (assuming you can't update the Lion machine) you'll probably have to rethink your backup strategy eg by using file shares mounted on the server instead.

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