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I get the subject error when I try to back up either from a Run file or Immediate. I am running OS X 10.3.6 and Retrospect version 6.0.204 and updated driver version 6.0.103. I have read all the forum input so far and no help. I ran DiskWarrior on my boot drive and on the Maxtor external drive I am using for back up. I also ran the Apple Repair disk utility and still get same error.


I purchased the Maxtor with Retrospect software then added the client software to back up my PC running XP. I have had several sessions of successful backups then this error occurred. I don't know what else to try.


Charles Lloyd

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OK, so I have to answer my own question. After trying all the above I called support and read some more in the Help file. I re-downloaded the software and installed it and that didn't do it so I trashed the Preferences folder in ~/Library/Preferences/Retrospect and re-started Retrospect. That finally corrected the error. But then I had to reconfigure my Backup scripts and re-login to my PC. When I tried to log in it said I had the wrong PW. So I contacted Support again and they said to re-install the Client software in the PC and reset the PW. I did this but it wouldn't work until I rebooted my Mac server machine. Finally I'm back to square one.


In the process I was given my software Key which I needed for the re-install process and I have now saved in it Documents along with the software. I now know how to re-acquire the basic software from the Internet and re-set the PW on the client machine, so at least I have gained all that. It only took me about 18 hours of flailing around to get back to normal operations.

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