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internal consistency check failed: elem.c-811

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Retrospect 6.0.193/driver update v 5.8.103

Mac OS X 10.3.5

PowerBook 800MHz/1 MB L3 cache/1 GB SDRAM

Exabyte VXA-1 Packet Tape Drive w/FireWire

V17 VXA Tape cartridges (170m)



error received when trying to ANY type restore from older storage set (pre v.6/read-only):


Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem.c-811"


...this crashes Retrospect.


additionally, up until the "elem.c-811" error i was successfully backing up to a more recent storage set since June 2004. now the 2nd tape out of this 2 tape storage set shows up as "content unrecognized" when attempting ANYTHING. i checked this tape in a VXA-2 drive @ work... same "unrecognized" error. when i copied my storage sets onto same mac @ work and tried to access them via Retrospect, they came up as unreadable and i got a "dude your data set is damaged" dialog prompt... or something as equally informative/foreboding.


so, i've been recatalogging the older ("elem.c-811" error-ridden) storage set since 36 hours ago and i'm only at tape 5 of 23... heck i got nothing better to do right?


my questions:


1. what is the cause of the "elem.c-811" error?

2. what services are available to restore data from a tape that shows as "unrecognized" but you know has data on it; invaluable data...as in 3 months of data ($$$$$)?


please advise ASAP cuz i am SOL.


kinger (...still recatalogging)

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